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hard knock是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

2022-06-04 09:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

hard knock 双语例句

1. To seek to please their superiors and to redouble their work, after the saddle before the horse and curry favor curry favor with, workbook, filled with hard work to pull its weight above the hypocrisy, computer desk keyboard knock on the crews are moving into workaholics, the lonely shadow filled with hard work of being superior appreciate the desire of the face on the miserable anxiety carved catapulted **** dream.    为求得上司欢心而加倍工作,鞍前马后,巴结逢迎,工作簿上列满了勤奋上劲的虚伪计划,电脑桌前用键盘把工作狂敲的震天动地,孤单勤奋的身影里充满了被上级欣赏的渴望,凄惨愁苦的脸面上雕刻着连升****的梦想。

2. If you want to eat walnuts, you must knock them out of the hard shells.    如果你要吃核桃,必须先把它们从硬壳中敲出来。

3. hard knock是什么意思

3. Of rat-tat of a pair of hard rat-tat, knock go up should become phonic real pay shoe calculates make it.    一双硬梆梆的、敲上去当当有声的实纳鞋就算做成了。

4. Like any other current flow, this produces a magnetic field of opposite polarity to that of the coil, hence, the two repel. As the coil is fixed to the table, it pushes down on it sometimes hard enough to make it bounce back up and knock things over!    同所有的电流一样,这个电流产生磁场一个同线圈反向的磁场,因此,它们相互作用,由于线圈固定在桌上,它就把铝盘推出去(有时很难控制,会反弹回来打翻东西!

5. hard knock

5. A drive so alluring it can push us to the arms of unexpected lovers. A sensat ion so overwhelming it can knock down walls we built to protect our hearts. A f eeling so intense it resurfaces even though we try so hard to keep it buried.    它是如此强烈的诱惑,把我们推到意想不到的爱人怀中;它是无法抗拒的感情,击垮了我们修筑起来的保护心灵的高墙;它是那尽管我们如此努力的埋藏,却仍浮出水面的炙热情感。

6. A drive so alluring it can push us to the arms ofunexpected lovers. A sensat ion so overwhelming it can knock down wallswe built to protect our hearts. A f eeling so intense it resurfaceseven though we try so hard to keep it buried.    它是如此强烈的诱惑,把我们推到意想不到的爱人怀中;它是无法抗拒的感情,击垮了我们修筑起来的保护心灵的高墙;它是那尽管我们如此努力的埋藏,却仍浮出水面的炙热情感。

7. Hard life doesn't knock the spirit out of him.    他人穷志不短。|国内领先的通信技术论坛9P。

8. Alan Shearer, I think it was, and it was hard enough to knock his head off.    我想那是舒利亚做的,而那记耳光大力得可击掉他的头。

9. Knock under the influence: Yes, it's hard to wait, but it will serve your needs better if you can work calmly and pragmatically with your neighbor.    爆震的影响下:是的,很难等到,但您的需求将有助于更好地如果你能冷静和务实的工作与你的邻居。

10. The rock is too hard for us to knock it down.    岩石对我们来说太硬,敲不下来。

11. I took a hard knock and got bruised. We`ll see what happens and we hope things improve from here.      我被撞击得很重而且有淤血,我们会看看情况怎样,并且希望从现在开始能够改善。

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. Recoba took a hard knock to his calf during the final training session before Tuesday's 3-1 defeat to Peru, but has made a quick recovery.      再周二败给秘鲁的比赛前的最后一次训练,雷科巴的小腿受到了剧烈的碰撞,但是他很快恢复了。

13. We had the grenades, but it is very hard to knock out a tank with a hand grenade!      虽然我们有手榴弹,但是想要只用一颗手榴弹就彻底干掉一辆坦克是非常困难的!

14. In these straitened times, you cannot knock hard cash even if it is just two-thirds what you almost received two years ago.      在当前的窘困时期,你不可能拒绝现金即使只有两年前几乎可以获得的金额的三分之二。

15. hard knock的解释

15. Sign on a repair shop door: We can repair anything. (Please knock hard on the door ― the bell dosen't work.)      修理店外的标记:我们什么都能修。(请用力敲门,门铃坏了!)

16. When something interrupts the memory-storage process – like a hard knock to the head – newly formed memories aren't stored for the long run and you can't remember things that just happened.      当记忆储存的过程被打断&就像头被狠狠的敲击。新形成的记忆就不会持续很久,所以就不能记住刚刚发生的事情。

17. As a bitter winter storm rages on the east coast, its hard to knock being warm-blooded.      美国东海岸现在正是数九寒冬、风雪肆虐,对于温血动物而言这可真难熬。

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. And as he continued to strike and force, coolly estimating the weight of his blows and the quality of the damage wrought, he realized how hard a man Sandel was to knock out.      因此,他一面继续猛攻,一面冷静地估计他的拳头的份量和它们造成的损伤,这才看出桑德尔是一个很难打垮的人。

19. hard knock的解释

19. This is a knock not on teachers ─ we are teachers ourselves ─ but on human intuition, which finds the claim about learning styles so self-evident that it is hard to see how it could be wrong.      这不是对老师的一个打击我们自己就是老师而是对人类直觉的叫板。我们的直觉认为有关学习方式的主张都是不言自明的,很难看得出它有什么不对的地方。

20. That he's going to knock it down to juvie instead of hard time.      他能决定让那孩子去少管所而不是监狱。

hard knock 单语例句

1. Lin worked extremely hard to get himself ready for the opportunity which he was convinced would one day knock on his door.

2. Public transport operators have taken a particularly hard knock due to the double whammy of price hikes and shortages.

3. " It certainly gave me a pretty hard knock and the bike ended up in flames, " he added.

hard knock是什么意思






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